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Active Lifestyle 101

There are three basic areas of physical exercise - strength building, cardio, and stretching. A balanced, healthy lifestyle incorporates all three. Focusing on one area more than another can slow down your progress and even hinder you in your fitness goals.

Exercise can occur in a gym, your home, on a lake, the edge of a mountain, or in a yoga studio. We have many fancy, expensive ways of being physically active but they are not the only ways. When you think about it naturally, any activity in which you are moving your body can be exercise...walking is physical, as are swimming and gardening.

Don't fret, just get out there and do something. Do not be intimidated by trying new things. Every single person who has ever done a physical activity had a first time. Remember that and then let it go. Instead, focus on all of the former beginners in class or the gym and look at them as your future.

Do Research- just Google Physical fitness and see what comes up. How about outdoor fitness. Your starting to get the picture.

Gym Basics

1. You are the client. Do not be afraid to ask questions. As intimidating as people at the gym may seem, remember this: they want you to succeed. If you don't, the gym loses income and there is another person saying the gym wasn't for them.

2. Know where to go for information. Make introducing yourself to the gym manager a priority. Tell them what your goals are. This will put you in the front of their minds and make information flow a lot easier if you have a relationship with the manager.

3. Trainers are employees. If a trainer is just standing around and not working with anyone do not hesitate to ask them questions. Most of them are employees of the gym. Use the resource that has been provided for you! This does not mean that you can get a full session for free but simple guidelines on form and safety can be a great help.

4. Try things out. All the stuff at the gym is for your use - so make the most of it. Ask the people around you what they are doing and what the benefits are. Nine times out of ten, they will be happy to discuss their workout with you.

5. Distinguish who you want to look and feel like and emulate them. Ask advice from the people with the bodies, stamina, and personality you desire. They will help you get where you need to go - they have done it themselves.

6. HAVE A PLANNER/ JOURNAL!!!!! Get an electronic or paper workout journal. This will track your progress and make your routine so much easier. You will know when to take it to the next level and when to ease off. MONITOR, MONITOR, MONITOR! It is a great way to success.

7. Pack the night before. Pack everything you need the night before so you can just grab your gear and go.

8.Get training. If you can't afford a full package sign up for two or three sessions just to cover the basics of a good three month routine. TAKE NOTES - You are spending a lot of money on this so get the most out of it. Knowing how to do exercises correctly is half the battle to a healthy body.

9. STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH! If you like being sore for days then don't, but if you would rather be ready for another amazing day at the gym then stretch out those well-worked muscles after a work out. Take the time to stretch properly and thoroughly.

10.JUST GO! Yes, there may be days when you feel tired, or have something else you would rather do, or simply don't want to go, but if your bag is packed and ready and you are well-rested and not sore, it is much easier to get back and do it again.




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