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Easy Pan Seared Fish.


Prep Time: 1 Minute

Cooking Time: 6-10 Minutes

Yield: 4 servings


4 fish fillets of choice.
Grape seed oil
Cayenne Pepper
Fresh Ground Pepper


1.Preheat Oil in Skillet.
2. Lightly dust both sides of fillet or steak with Cayenne pepper and black pepper.
3.Sear on side for 3 to 4 minutes in pan and turn.
4. Continue cooking till done.

Time Saver Tips:

While cooking fish make Whole Wheat Couscous and steam some broccoli or other veggie for a quick healthy meal.

Make more than needed. The fish will keep for several days refrigerated and can be used for a chilled salad or quick sandwich on whole-grain bread later on in the week.



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