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Soaked Oats


Prep Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 1 serving


1 cup rolled oats

1/4 cup dried fruit (such as blueberries, raisins, cranberries, currants)

1/4 cup flax or sunflower seeds water


1. The night before, place all ingredients in a bowl, then fill about 1/2 inch above oats with water.

2. Cover.

3. Place in a cool, dry place overnight.

4. In the morning, warm with a bit of water over the stove or eat at room temperature.

Variations: In the morning you can heat up a cup of soy or rice milk to serve with oats and/or cut up fresh fruit to mix in. Also try pumpkin seeds or chopped nuts to add variety. Note: This is a great breakfast to bring along with you on the road. In a plastic container, pre-mix oats with your favorite toppings, add water to soak the oats, and take them with you.




Lounge area designed by ToddSchwing