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Relationships are the cornerstone to our happiness. We are a social
species and need interaction with other people.

Here are ten tips to help you have stronger, more authentic relationships.

  1. Know thyself. Being true to yourself. Acknowledging your likes and
    dislikes, strengths and weaknesses is paramount. This is not a judgement
    call, rather an inventory of who you are and where you are right now. This
    empowers you to know what stimulates and drives you.

  3. Communicate with honesty. Authentic and meaningful communication is the
    difference between a casual relationship and one of deep meaning and
    value. To be able to discuss deep issues and thoughts openly and candidly
    is paramount in a close relationship. This takes time, so start off with
    smaller, less threatening discussions gradually moving into the core
    discussions that are important to you.

  5. Be considerate. Being compassionate towards your partner, taking into
    consideration his or her perspectives, emotions and needs are the key to
    creating balance between different views, likes and beliefs and connecting
    both of you deeper and with great respect for each other.

  7. Listen. Shut up and open up. Listening is a skill.True engaged listening
    requires you to connect on a profound level. It means you have to shut out
    all those voices in you head telling you to comment, fill the void, and
    prove yourself by sharing your experience. It also creates a very powerful
    vibrational energy of connection to the one you are listening to.
    Subconsciously they are aware of this connection when you are fully
    engaged in listening.

  9. Know how and where to draw the line. So many times we feel uncomfortable
    and confrontational when we have to draw a line with another person. Not
    drawing the line and setting your boundaries creates subconscious tension
    for both of you. It affects communication, trust and the very relationship
    itself. Be bold and thoughtfully set you boundaries. It will benefit both

  11. Give. Sometimes relationships can interfere with our agendas, but that's
    what friends are for. Carry the load and lead others, even when it is
    inconvenient. You have to give if you will ever receive. Giving also helps
    deepen the relationship.


  12. Be patient. No relationship is perfect, however, you can develop an
    amazing relationship just by following the above steps and keeping in mind
    that Rome was not built in a day. There are very few things in life that
    are immediate and still worth it. It's the journey together that builds a
    great relationship. The good times and the bad help both of you grow.

  14. Trust. It is the foundation to everything real. Trust in yourself means
    you can trust others. Embrace the fact that nobody, including you, is
    perfect. Enjoy the imperfections and stop being afraid that others will
    see them. They already do anyway. Trust means being fearless, being real,
    and being human.

Using these tips will help you in any relationship from work to intimacy
among family and friends. So appreciate your gifts, and the gifts around


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