The Lounge

Phone: 843.881.5745

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Healthy Mind

Healthy Body


Being active while on the road.

If you are staying in a hotel ask if they have a fitness center. If they don't, ask if they are affiliated with any gyms in the area.

If staying with family or friends, Google the area. Contact the gyms and see how much a day or week pass costs and explain that you are there for travel reasons and inquire into any special rates.

If none of that appeals to you...ditch the elevator and take the stairs. No stairs - walk around the neighborhood. You can do push ups in your room, crunches, and even yoga. Be creative.

Ask what's in the area, you might be surprised by what they have to offer. Parks, beaches, rentals, and trails.

Food-wise, don't ditch your routine just because you're in a situation that is not optimum for your health regimen. Ask restaurants for healthy choices and never be afraid to ask for substitutions on the menu.

Finally, enjoy where you are. Get to know the locals, the history, share the area on your social network sites, and have fun!



Lounge area designed by ToddSchwing